Knowing where you are on the earth is not only important while navigating to a meeting, it is a vital component of making good decisions on leasing land, placing pads, or spotting wells. PetroDE makes it easy to integrate all your different data sources in one platform and know your location at all times. WhiteStar Web Mapping Service (WMS) feeds provide a great way for our clients to quickly and easily know exactly where they are on the map.
Easily Locate your data with WhiteStar and PetroDE
Do you work the prolific Permian basin? As many of you know, it’s not just the geology that is complex there -the land situation in Texas requires an extremely accurate basemap. The WhiteStar Grid WMS layer lets you compare any data in PetroDE, while also taking advantage of accurate boundary information. Read on for some examples of WhiteStar WMS feeds in action.
Some Examples
The following map shows a past year search in the Permian of IHSM Wells, together with WhiteStar Grid layered on an ESRI topographic base.

As you zoom in, a more detailed level of information pops in, providing you with the ability to place that new permit accurately in the block.

WhiteStar Grid covers all the continental United States and the Gulf of Mexico. They also offer custom feeds to cover areas most important to your company. Find out more at or contact them at
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