Are you looking for the next hot acreage in oil & gas? Need to see the latest lease and permit data integrated with public data on one map? Need the answers yesterday? Then you need an intuitive geospatial platform with data integration to get answers fast. The more you know before taking the plunge can save big dollars down the road. As land becomes more scarce, it is getting harder than ever to avoid land with significant development restrictions, such as critical wildlife habitat and historical cultural sites. It is important to know as much as possible before diving in to avoid unforeseen costs.
When you can feed proprietary data, vendor data, and public data into a single cloud system, you can get the big picture and make precise decisions quickly. And with features like automatic data updates, you can be assured you are seeing the latest developments. No one wants to lose prime acreage to a competitor simply because they are looking at stale / static data and missed that key deciding piece of information. You need the best tools available to stay ahead of the competition.
3 ways to jumpstart your search for prime acreage
1. Data integration and visualization in real time
Have you ever been in a situation when someone asks that “what if” question that is outside of your project boundary? If you have to load a new data set into a legacy data application, you won’t know the answer anytime soon. Well look no further. Cloud software to the rescue. When you can load all of your data into one portable application, you have the answers at your fingertips – instantly!
The following map shows several integrated data layers. It is easy to integrate data from any source into an intuitive geospatial platform to uncover deep insights across your areas of interest.

2. Competitor analysis in seconds
Be in the know of the hottest leases in any area of interest. Automatic data updates combined with a custom heat map display option make it easy to view the latest developments wherever they are happening.
Need to find the lease areas with the most activity? The following heat map shows the drilling density by lease in an area of interest in Texas. The IHS Wells data layer, which is automatically updated, was searched and a Lease data layer was used as the custom grid.
Or maybe you are interested in finding where the permit action is heating up? By integrating well data, lease data and permit data, you can easily compare new permit activity with existing wells and leases. In the following map, the orange dots indicate new approved permits added in the last update and the pink dots indicate new pending permits added in the last update.
You can also monitor drilling activity. The following map shows both the permit and drilling activity data provided by RigData for the past week.
Need to see which competitors have the highest IPs and how much fluid they are using in completions? You can make a quick comparison by Operator using a simple chart tool as shown below.

Maybe you need to monitor changes in Well Status or IP data? You can use Change Detection to efficiently and effectively analyze competitor activity. This map shows wells that had changes in their well status in the last week.
3. Real-time collaboration
What if you could share a discovery as soon as a development catches your eye? With live links to real-time views, you can share a url link to any saved view with team members. You can even add annotations to make sure your ideas are captured before you lose your train of thought. With teams spread all over the globe, it’s easy to collaborate regardless of physical location.
PetroDE is your Cloud Solution for making informed decisions on the fly. Whether you need to monitor the competition, make a quick analysis, or collaborate with team members, the answers are at your fingertips with all your data in one place and on one map. Now you can answer those “what if” questions on the spot.