How do I make a heat map?
You can generate many different kinds of heat maps from the Analysis box. Click on Map Display to expand it, then click on Heat Maps. Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the listed types to define the grid and the attribute to be mapped. You can also define custom heat maps here. Watch the Video

How Do I Do a Quick Search?
Be sure a layer is chosen in the topmost box under the search tab. Then type a term in the search box and either hit enter or click the magnifying glass icon. Super search looks through all of the columns in the chosen layer and displays the one with the most matches. Other possibilities are displayed in the Results box. Watch the Video

How do I Search More Than One Layer at a Time?
Click on the layer bar just under the search-display-create tabs. Start typing in the “Filter Layers” box and layers that match will be listed just below it. Choose a layer to add to the search by checking the box. Remove a layer from the search by clicking the red x on that layer’s name. Watch the Video

How do I see a layer?
The new Emperor Tamarin release lets you interact with layers in two different ways: To see a layer, go to the display tab and find it by typing all or part of the name in the Filter Layers box. Turn on the layer by ticking the check box to the left of the layer name. You can also search or analyze the layer now. Either choose “Analyze Layer” from the dropdown arrow to the right of the layer name, or go to the search tab and open the bar at the very top. Here you can choose the layer in the Filter Layers box and add it to the layers to be searched by checking the box to the left. The entire layer will display if you leave the search box empty and just press the magnifying glass icon to the right. Watch the Video

What does the ‘L’ button do?
Lots of things! You can toggle the layers on and off with the checkbox on the left of each layer name, you can locate the results by clicking the tiny target icon on the right, and remove layers from current memory by clicking the red x on the right. But one of the most useful things is the ability to change the display order. By dragging a layer name up in the list, you can ensure it is drawn above all the other layers. Watch the Video

What does the ‘B’ button do?
You can change the basemap layer by clicking the radio button to the left of each layer name. Or choose to have no basemap layer at all by clicking “None”.