Transform your meetings from static to dynamic with PetroDE
Did you know that as a user of PetroDE, you can instantly answer questions with integrated data and ultra fast analytics? When you bring PetroDE to the meeting, be it in a single room, or spread across the globe, decisions can be made on the fly because PetroDE answers your questions in real time. We also allow you to view all of your data in one place! So when someone asks that “what if” question, the alternate solutions are at your fingertips — with instant access to your data complete with geospatial analytics!
Interactive Geospatial Analysis
With PetroDE, it doesn’t matter where the data comes from. Quickly visualize and geospatially analyze data attributes from any source. Then extract and visualize historic data for a county, a region, or the world, with our easy to navigate mapping tools.
PetroDE continuously refreshes all of your data in its unique geospatial environment allowing you to stay on top of current activity, swiftly and easily. Plus, our new Change Detection feature allows you to instantly see what has changed. Our display options allow you to visualize different scenarios at the click of a button.
An analysis performed on a small project area can be applied to a different asset or expanded in a matter of seconds. Thus, allowing users to recognize trends previously undetected.
What this means is…
Fewer Meetings!
I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t be jumping for joy at the idea of fewer meetings. It’s all about productivity and we want to help! What if you could make a decision about a new play or acquisition opportunity in hours instead of weeks? With PetroDE, you can share and analyze critical information anywhere, anytime, regardless of location. No more waiting til the next meeting – share a current map view with supporting charts to make well informed decisions today!